Friday, November 12, 2010

Cosmic Retrospective: STARLORD

It's one thing to take a character who had a moderate amount of popularity (say, enough to sustain a series ever decade or so) and bring that character into the limelight again. It's an altogther astonishing thing to take a character that was NEVER popular and make them the centerpiece of an ensemble cast. And yet, that's exactly what happened with Peter Quill, the once and reluctantly-yet-again Starlord.

And let's face facts - as a leader, he wasn't all that great. He got by more on seat of his pants than any kind of real planning. He was an adaptive, not proactive thinker. More of an everyman reluctantly put into the role of cosmic wariror. Grounded, down-to-earth, and self-depricating. Pretty much the perfect point of view character.

And let's face it, he was funny as hell. Not just funny the way Deadpool is funny, but actually, you know, witty and clever and thoughtful. A rare feat.


Tom said...

I really hope he and Nova don't stay dead long.

MrCynical said...

Given the nature of his departure, it's almost 100% guaranteed they won't.

Rebekah said...

I just finished reading Thanos Imperative today, and the first word out of my mouth when I closed it was "FLARK!" I'm the only Star-Lord fan I know (I date to Timothy Zahn's run in 1996, and found the older comics over succeeding years), and even though the recent interpretation of the character discarded a lot of his backstory, I really liked it quite a lot. He was well-written, and taken just seriously enough that he worked, but wasn't quite the blowhard he once was.

I sincerely hope they do bring him back, if only because there are a couple of brilliant concepts lying around from the Zahn run that would mesh beautifully with what Giffen et al. have done. Plus I agree with every single poster you've included here ...